Greens Sale

On Friday, December 6, 4-6pm and Saturday, December 7, 9am-2pm we will have its annual holiday greens sale – held in the Parish Hall at the  Keene Unitarian Universalist Church (KUUC), 69 Washington Street in Keene  (see map)

The greens table will feature locally made decorated and plain wreaths, Balsam roping, kissing balls, swags, and bundles of greens.

Traditional New England Berry Bowls in many different sizes will be for sale. The number of bowls is limited so come early to purchase.

Holiday cookies and baked goods will be available for purchase. Enjoy a hot luncheon from 11:30-1:00 on Saturday. The reasonably priced menu includes soups, salad breads and beverages.

The ever-popular Book Nook offers volumes of hard cover and paperback fiction and nonfiction books covering the subjects of art, travel, children’s, religion, philosophy, geography and much more. Priced to sell.

A crafter’s table holds many handmade treasures such as bookmarks, blankets, knitted throws, placemats and tableware, pillows and assorted knitwear for babies and adults.

A Christmas themed White Elephant table has a display of gently used items. In addition, Palestinian made Christmas items will be for sale.

The Keene Unitarian Universalist Church is a welcoming congregation and Green Sanctuary, with entry door located at 69 Washington Street and an accessible entrance via the side door on Taylor Street in Keene, NH. Contact the office administrator at 352-1719 or email .

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