Space Rental & Property Use

Rental Fees* – Keene Unitarian Universalist Church

Church activities are scheduled in the facility rent-free.

Church members may use the Sanctuary and Parish Hall for weddings or memorial services at no charge.

Church members who want to use church facilities for non-profit events receive 50% discount for use of church facilities.

For business activities, church members and non-members pay full fee.

Non-profit agencies may use the facility at a 50% discount.

Organized support groups (such as AA) may use KUUC facilities as scheduling permits, consistent with the KUUC mission, on a monthly donation basis.  The ability to share KUUC facilities depends upon our ability to meet maintenance and administrative costs.

Requests for special fee reduction or unusual uses are referred to the Minister and the Board.

*Long term rentals are available for a lower price

Room Capacities as set by Keene Fire Department

Sanctuary:        459

Alliance:            43           Tables and Chairs

Undercroft:       97           Tables and Chairs

Parish Hall:       80           Tables and Chairs          171           Chairs only


Space/ Fees  Full Day  Half-Day or Evening 
Parish Hall  $165 $85
Kitchen  $125 $85
Parish Hall & Kitchen  $200 $110
Undercroft  N/A N/A
Lower Level Mtg Rm  N/A N/A
Library  $85 $60
Alliance Room  $170 $85
Outside/lawn  $100 $75
Sanctuary  $450 $250

Fees:  Full Day = 6 hours+   Half-day = up to 6 hours

Sunday Rental Policy

It is the policy of KUUC that the Parish Hall and Sanctuary will be used exclusively by church members during the hours of 6:00am to 2:00pm.

Church Equipment Use

Church equipment may be used only by prior notification and permission. Use of the organ, piano, and electric piano will be at the discretion of the Music Committee. A rental fee may be charged.


KUUC requires a sexton for weddings, funerals and large community events and gatherings.

Sexton fee:  $85 for a half day, $140 for a full day or as negotiated by the Minister.

For further information contact Allison Stoddard Gruber, Office Manager
email:  / phone: (603) 352-1719

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