October 6, Investing Your Energy
There is so much going on at KUUC on any given day. A gang of people readying for the Rummage Sale, a book group getting started, a new beginning for the “Neighboring Faiths” program. Everywhere you turn, committees are planning events, the choir is crooning in the Parish Hall, the Sanctuary being cleaned and prepped for worship. The service will happen at our usual time of 10 o’clock in the Sanctuary and will focus on the benefits of working as a community activity, a way to live our values, to build camaraderie and to provide a vital service to save energy in advance of colder weather to come. We will also share Joys and Concerns as a community. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. Worship on October 6 will happen in between two periods of work—the details are found elsewhere in this Messenger—so wear your work clothes.
October 13, Welcome Home
Every week we mention that we are a “Welcoming Congregation,” in fact we have been one since April 2003. What does that designation mean? How did we get there? What does it mean to people to LGBTQI+ neighbors and members? What must we do to continue to live up to the principles that make for genuine and inclusive welcoming? The KUUC Choir shares its ministry with us today and there will be a Time for all Ages based on the theme.
October 20, The World Will Be a Better Place
What is the purpose of our lives? Some might say to live a full span of years, others to follow our bliss, “look out for #1” and enjoy the freedom of being human. Yet other would say that our purpose is to work together to make the world a better, safer, and more just place. Join us today as we explore the plausibility of our 6th UU Principle, “The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.” There will be a Time for All Ages based on our theme and the adults will share their Joys and Concerns in community.
October 27, We Remember Them
The days between the end of October and the beginning of November are considered by many cultures and faith traditions to be a sacred time; set aside to remember the ancestors and more recently deceased loved ones. Be with us (and them?) this morning as we toll our bells, remembering and sharing stories of our ancestors. The Choir will sing and many stories will be told as part of this special Multigenerational worship service.